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Inkjet Line

CE Product

Photo Line

A.V. Line


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The today's  advertising sign-makers needs:

  1. a reliable product (Brand is secondary )

  2. affordable pricing

  3. user-friendliness, including accessibility, multi-usages

  4. service



WE carry :

  1. Korean and China  made substrates, inks. All products compatible with in the market plotters, both wide and superwide.

    (All China products we offer :  made by factory making OEM for famous world brands. This will safeguard the quality issue)

  1. NEW 3-1  ACE film  ( for pigment / dye ink, usable in and outdoor, wide format only ) ACE100/ACE200, are micro porous films, with backing ..This single product could be used as window-stick-ons,  slogans and banners ( with backing ) lightbox films ( stick onto transparent PVC board) etc.. Brilliant color outputs..


Our email: collins@milsources.com  (tel : 852 2334 1000 )

    Contact:  Collins


Welcome to Million Sources Development Ltd.